“Long is the way, and hard, that out of hell leads up to the light.” – Milton, Paradise Lost
A cold, dark, and seemingly endless winter has given way to what will prove to be a new chapter. In Omaha, we have managed to string together nearly a week’s worth of warmer temps and sunshine. It’s no longer dark when I get to and when I leave the office, and spring is in full bloom. It’s amazing what that does for one’s psyche and overall motivation.
April has been a chop fest for my accounts, both long and short term. Money was made, given back, and made again. My brokers got rich while I made little progress. These kinds of months happen. It isn’t the first time and certainly won’t be the last.
Readership of this site has continued to grow, and I receive emails from many of you saying you appreciate the articles. That means a lot. Omahacharts was started when I was in the middle of the CMT Program as a sort of diary of some of the concepts from the body of knowledge. It has been beneficial to me as it keeps me honest. I often lay out positions I take in real time, and I can go back and see what worked and what didn’t. It makes me better, and hopefully a few of you have been able to take away some things from here as well.
This site is soon going to have a whole new look and professional feel. While the host of the site was great as a place to start, it has gotten a bit slow and clunky. I am moving to new servers and hosts and soon you’ll see an actual professional logo and design as well as some other projects I have in the works.
I want to thank you for all the emails, tweets, positive comments, and criticism. I read all of them and I believe respond to every single one. (Except some guy with 9 followers who said “the only reason I am muscular is because I am 5’6.”
Uhhh dude, I’m 5’8 and an ectomorph. I’ve lifted weights for years as a hobby and passion. You have no idea about muscle gain and training and neither do your 9 followers. Kiss my ectomorph ass. Kisses boo.
I can’t wait for what is to come and look forward to this blog getting better and faster soon. I’ll update you on the new look as soon as I can.
A sincere thanks to all of you guys. Let’s make May a great month and I’ll be in touch soon with some idea flow for the new month.
Thank God it’s Monday!